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NEROLI (ABS) ( Citrus aurantium)

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Price £19.95 inc. VAT
Code: 47

Neroli ( Citrus aurantium)

Location: Neroli is produced mainly in Egypt, France, Morocco and Tunisia.

Extraction: Steam distilled or solvent extracted from the bitter orange flowers.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is pale yellow in colour with an exquisite sweet floral aroma.

Description: The bitter orange tree is a small evergreen very similar to the sweet orange tree, although hardier. It has shiny leaves and bears fragrant white flowers.

Background: The bitter orange tree is native to China and was introduced to Europe by the Portuguese in the twelfth century. The orange flower was named after the Italian Princess Anne-Marie, Countess of Neroli, who used it to perfume her bath water. It is now considered among the finest perfumery ingredients. The flowers are popularly used in bridal bouquets as they symbolize innocence and fertility.

Properties: Sedative, antidepressant, soothing, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac.


Nervous System-Calms and slows the mind; useful for insomnia, hysteria and all states of anxiety and depression.

Skin-Beneficial for all skin types, especially if there is dryness, redness or irritation. Neroli stimulates the regeneration of new cells and the elimination of old ones, helping to improve the skin's elasticity. Can be helpful in improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scarring and stretch marks.

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NEROLI (ABS) ( Citrus aurantium)

NEROLI (ABS) ( Citrus aurantium)
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